Wednesday, January 26, 2011

lend me your eyes I can change what you see / but your soul you must keep, totally free

She's is pretty much too amazing for words.

Kate Lanphear, ladies and gentlemen, Style Director for Elle USA.

 I'm going to grow my bangs out just like her, but keep having the rest of it trimmed super short. I might shave the side when it starts to look like her hair (Take a look at the topmost right hand corner to see what I mean.) My mom is a little iffy and I know my dad will freak, but I'm seriously itching to do it. After all, it is only hair, and it will grow back. 
I might even dye the tips of the bangs when I get my hands on some Manic Panic hair dye.

I'm doing my best to build a jewelry collection like hers full of studded black stuff and leather. And of course more rings. Gigantic ones, of course.

My life search for combat boots and motorcycle boots has not yet ended and I'm going to lose my head soon. I have a gazillion outfits that would go perfectly with the right shoes!
Le sigh.

Also, I biked today. Then took a ten to fifteen minute nap. *giggles*
I'll probably do some sit-ups, push-ups and run some more tomorrow. 
I'm trying to work towards having  a totally flat stomach and great arms by the time summer comes rolling in. 
I recently saw the cutest bikini in mall and am dying to have it. Or at least save for it, but my dad's birthday is coming up and I still have no idea what to give him. 
As is that wasn't stressful enough it's my little sisters birthday two days after. 
Oh my gosh, I hope a wave of ideas hit me soon or I am toast. 

I'm off folks, got to get me some dinner.
I think I'll paint my nails tonight.
Maybe red.
Or blue.
Or purple.
I wish I had black.

( Awake My Soul - Mumford & Sons )

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